Les associacions i les entitats relacionades a l’Annex I, reunides a Llagostera (Girona) els dies 22 i 23 de febrer de 2003, o adherides amb posterioritat al document, manifestem:

Que, davant la problemàtica que comporta el desplegament de l’actual model energètic i la implantació de les noves tecnologies de la comunicació, i en especial davant d’aquella que ens és comuna, com és l’afectació a la salut de les persones de la incontrolada i permissiva contaminació electromagnètica, així com l’impacte sobre el medi ambient de les seves instal·lacions, cal:

Que, per aconseguir aquests objectius, ens comprometem a:


Las asociaciones y entidades relacionadas en el anexo I, reunidas en Llagostera (Girona), los días 22 y 23 de febrero de 2003, o adheridas con posterioridad al documento, manifestamos:

Que ante la problemática que conlleva el despliegue del actual modelo energético y la implantación de las nuevas tecnologías de la comunicación, en especial ante aquella que nos es común, como es la afectación en la salud de las personas de la incontrolada y permisiva contaminación electromagnética, así como el impacto sobre el medio ambiente de sus instalaciones e infraestructuras, es preciso:

Que, para la consecución de estos objetivos, nos comprometemos a:


The associations and companies related in the enclose, met in Llagostera (Girona), the days 22 and 23 of February of 2003, or adhered later the document, we declare:

That before the problematic that involves the unfold of the present energy model and the establishment of the new technologies of communication, especially before the affectation in the health of the persons is common of the uncontrolled and permissive electromagnetic contamination, as well as the impact on the environment of its installations and infrastructures, precise:

To maximize the prevention of the increase of the risks, applying with the most maximum severity the principle of precaution that supposes the electromagnetic contamination or electropollution, putting the health of the citizens before other considerations of development or economic.

To promote the information and the participation citizen in it takes of decisions related to this contaminants installations type.

To preserve the environment and the landscape, rural or urban.

To promote, as objective end, a sustainable energy model based on the renewable utilization of energies, the savings and the energy efficiency, and the production of energy in the same place of consumption.

To prioritize the network of telecommunication by cable, avoiding in the possible thing the way radio.

To reduce the legal limits of labor and/or residential exposition of the electromagnetic fields that generate the mobile phone system, the electric lines and the transforming stations. The creation by exempt residential law of zones of radiation, establishing in all the places more "sensitive" (schools, geriatric, hospitals, etc.) zones of security with "level zero". Also for those citizens, that like or they need for motives of health, to live without mobile telephones or without another electromagnetic contamination.

That, for the attainment of these objectives, we compromise to:

Translation Spanish - English : Citizens' Initiative Omega

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